Sunday 29 January 2012

A Walk to Remember

I visited the beach early morning at around 7.. It was such a beautiful sight. The sun rise.. all of us mortal there were immersed in the beauty that lay before us .. Two lovely dogs ended up playing nicely with me and around me.. Putting enough sand on me and my face .. It was Fun.. Then I decided the extraordinary. I decided to walk back home. It took nearly 2 hours to walk back home and I covered nearly 6 Kms doing so 

Saturday 28 January 2012

Bucket List

I've been creating bucket lists after bucket lists so many times.. But now I'm planning to stick to one and cross off one by one

1. Get back to using Library and read books extensively 

2. Start driving the car again 

Finally! Both are being done by me now.. :-) Today I visited the library and got 3 books - Little Men by Lousia May Alcott, Shopaholic Abroad by Sophie Kinsella and Asterix & Obelix ALL At Sea. Little Men is actually a sequel to Little Women ( Third book in the series ) , Same goes for Shopaholic (Second).

Right now I'm gonna create a bucket list and keep tabs on them in a page separately .. yay! 

Friday 27 January 2012

Life Now

I've always assumed that life is short and that I need to do things that make me happy, sooner. My ideas are too wild to be put to use in normal social life, but truth is, this is me. I cannot pretend to be a docile female. I'm someone who has an opinion about almost everything and vehemently speak up against unfairness that I witness several times in daily life.

A Bastard of a colleague is making my life miserable in office and its time to pay him back. I take it as a challenge to shine better than him in my career , starting with the current work. I'm going to give back all the people who made life miserable last week, by working better than them.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Date with Anonymous Blogging

Adriana Lee is my Anonymous Blogger name and I think this is gonna help me open up my thoughts better and share them without any fear of what the real world will think. But these are certain information that I would like the world to know. Im a 23 years old girl living a reasonably good life. I think I am an agnostic and right now life is going on like a roller coaster ride.

I'm discovering so much in life and sometimes I don't really know if my mind can take in so much and dwell on the confusions that it creates. Im book crazy and love helping whenever I can. Wish me luck this time, in blogging. ^_^

I hope I can talk to many of you here in this blog world and make new friends! Do leave a comment if you like my posts. Cheers!